The search for your greatest hunting partner stops here.

Over twenty years ago Jeff Bordwell began breeding German Shorthair Pointers. As a big bird hunter himself, it was Jeff's intent to breed healthy dogs for hunting families. It was in 2011 that Jeff was introduced into the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA). He had always trained his hunting dogs prior, but after watching a NAVHDA dog work he quickly decided that he wanted his dogs to work the same way. His daughter, Katie, who was thirteen at the time, insisted that she was included in every part of raising the shorthairs and would ride along to watch at training days.
Fast forward to today, and our kennel has come a long way. Since then, our Kennel has produced five NAVHDA Versatile Champions, one AKC Master Hunter, and countless NAVHDA Utility and Natural Ability Prizes. Jeff now trains on a daily basis and is taking in client dogs. Katie has helped train in the past and now has a puppy of her own to train. Along with assisting training, Katie also runs the media platform of Mountains Fury. But above all, since starting our journey with NAVHDA, Mountains Fury has become harder core bird hunters than ever before.